REPLACE 2 Project Updates: 23rd June 2014
Focus Group
Progression & Intervention Development
First and foremost, we’d like to welcome Yussif Alhassan to
the REPLACE 2 Team! Yussif will be replacing David as project manager at
Coventry University. Yussif has a background in health policy and health in
developing countries, and will be a welcome addition to the team!
The REPLACE 2 partners in Portugal, Spain, and Italy have
almost completed their Theoretical Domains focus groups and have begun their
narrative interviews of individual community members. The data we’ve gleaned
from the focus groups thus far is proving very interesting, and the focus
groups have really helped us identify those barriers and facilitators to the
fantastic ideas for interventions for each community. The next step is to
really specify those interventions in behavioural terms and plan exactly how
they’re going to be implemented. Check back here for next month’s update to
read all about our new partners’ intervention plans.
Our older partners, FSAN and FORWARD UK, are further down
the line in their respective interventions. FORWARD UK have trained 12
influential women to give them the skills and knowledge to deliver
interventions. It is likely their intervention will have the goal of increasing
and improving the communication about FGM in the family setting. FSAN have trained
10 women from the Somali community as leaders in health. These women sought Qur’anic
teachers that teach their children at Mosque, and asked them about the
possibility of introducing FGM to their lessons. As a result, eight Qur’anic
teachers have agreed! Training these teachers was completed last month and a
lesson plan was devised. There was a pilot lesson 22nd June, so
check back here next month for an update!