Needlecraft: animation film 'Needlecraft' is a three minute animated film aimed at raising awareness of female genital mutilation (FGM) in the UK. Developed by FORWARD and Animage Films with support from the End FGM Guardian Global Media Campaign.
Prof Barrett on REPLACE 2 Professor Hazel Barrett talks about REPLACE 2 and its approach to ending FGM in the EU.
NHS Choices: FGM NHS Choices video: FGM is an unnecessary and illegal practice that causes significant physical, mental and emotional harm. Find out what FGM is and where to find help if you or someone you know is at risk of having FGM.
Lynn Featherstone: FGM International development secretary Lynne Featherstone says ending female genital mutilation is a priority for the British government
Keir Starmer: FGM Keir Starmer: It's 'only a matter of time' before there is a prosecution for Female Genital Mutilation